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2 - Serve in Student Ministries

Fry Rd
Jones Rd
(6th - 12th Grade) - Sunday mornings @ 10:45

Sunday Mornings are a great way to start your week and jump into all Foundry Student Ministries has to offer! TOGETHER we will jump into the scriptures and learn about why it matters to God + how we can use the bible to encourage us the rest of the week! On the 1st Sunday of the month students will worship together for Communion Sunday and can work with the Host teams to serve (starting in September)     *Small group table leaders needed!

(6th Grade) - Sundays @ 3-4:15

Confirmation is a major milestone in the life of a young person emphasizing a personal commitment to Christ. It also fulfills any baptismal vows taken on his or her behalf. Confirmation is for all 6th graders and for 7th & 8th graders who have not been confirmed. Meets during the school year, September through May. Both campuses will meet together, alternating campuses per trimester.     *Small group table leaders needed!

FSM Sunday Nights
Jones Rd (6th - 12th Grade) 6-7:30 pm
Fry Rd (6th - 8th Grade) 6-7:30 pm

Join us on the last Sunday each month for some STUDENT fellowship + fun! These times are geared towards community and a great place to bring your friends! Expect lots of fun, intentional conversation, and a place for students to belong!

Wednesday Nights
(9th - 12th Grade) @ 7-8:30 pm

High school students gather every Wednesday at the Fry Rd campus (both campuses combined) for a bible study as we seek to create intentional community. You can expect lots of great discussion in a small group environment mixed in with a lot of fun!

Serving Role: Confirmation (6th grade), Junior High (6th-8th grade), High School (9th-12th grade)
Days of the Week: Wednesday, Sunday
Application Required: Yes
Background Check Required: Yes